Plant Healing Workshop
1. Difference between food, medicine and poison.
2. Are you getting better or worse
3. The upside down plant – person in human body form.
1. Roots work in the head - senses, thinking
2. Leaves work in the chest - feeling
3. flowers work in the bowls. - willing
4. Fruit work in the limbs.
4. The stages of plant growth.
1. Rooting - need calcium, dark
2. Leafing - need water
3. Flowering - need light
4. Fruiting - need warmth Bees
5. Seeding
5. Metamorphosis of leaves – Goethe.
1. Leaves are transformed into all the plant parts.
2. Leaves on a stem that grows towards forming a flower will expand and enlarge, then shrink till they form a bud. Then the flower comes out.
3. The more light the plant gets the more flowers it makes.
6. Understanding transformation in change.
1. Filling in the process with imagination. Needing an intermediate stage to guide the imagination.
2. Which way is the change going. For better or for worse. Inwards with suppression or outwards with expression.
7. Organ systems
1. Kidney - water and mineral
Always start healing with cleaning out the kidneys and skin.
Parsley tea
Wilde wingerd Cliffortia odorata
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
Rhinoceros bush Elytropappus rhinocerotis
Blou Keur |Psoralea pinnata
Elandsboontjie Elephantorrhiza elephantina
Sooibrandbossie Pentanisia prunelloides
2. Liver - growth Also hollow organ: Gall bladder
Now start to detoxify from anger
Take out the bitters – with aloe Aloe arborescens
Artemisia afra – wilde alles – coagulate iron.
Stinging nettle – coagulate toxins Urtica urens
Stink olieboom - Datura stramonium
Olieboom - Ricinus communis
3. Heart – fire, light Also hollow organ is small intestine
Wilde dagga - Leonotis leonorus
Pepperbark - Warburgia salutaris
4. Lungs – breath spirit Hollow organ is Large intestine
Bersama lucens
Fennel, dill, anise seed.
8. Digestion will
1. Chewing, Taste, Smell
smell rejects – Antimony tart
2. Decide to let in Swallow - jelly
3. Hold Stomach - ishongwe
4. Decide to let go Pyloric valve or reject and throw up.
Pepperbark can help reject.
5. Dissolve duodenum - chamomile, bitters to help gall.
6. Absorb jejunum, ileum - dandelion, mint
7. Absorbed enough ilio /caecal valve
8. Dry out and knead Large intestine - graphites - fennel
9. Eject decide it is done polishing.
9. Planet signatures in plant growth.
Spiral placement of leaves around stem.
Colours or Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.
10. Zodiac brings 4 elements into expression of emphasis on:
Plant Healing workshop